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Friday, June 12, 2020

WPL - C24 ft.Arduino Build

WPLC24 - Arduino Truck Build Guide

Stupid - very stupid.


All right. This is a frankenstien project that combines two very popular diy platforms to create a fun little monster that's worth all YOUR effort.( i guess)

To the four of you who read my last post. Yes this is the build .

I listed the parts you'd need to make this whatever. The short version of the story is - I bought this very popular cheapo - chinese diy model- truck off banggood in 2018. The truck didn't come with any electronics and i didn't buy a controller either ,so after putting it together and admiring it for two days - the truck got shunned to the underworld for 2 freaking years. HECK i did so much in those two years. graduated high school with shit grades, failed like 10 entrance tests to different places , moved to a new city, finally got a college , passed a sem and boom bada bing 2020.

That's all pretty much that happened , really sad when i look back but WE'RE HERE TO BUILD A RC TRUCK AREN'T WE so let's dig in fellas.

WPL C-24
Arduino UNO
HC-05 Bluetooth Module
L293D Motor Shield
11.4V 2200mAh Lipo (Up to you)


Assembly is easy and fun but make sure that you extend your servo and motor plugs long enough to reach the truck bed

Like this

Here's a video i found on youtube if you need help.


Took us long enough

The controls of the truck - Steering Servo and Drive motor are managed by the Arduino-shield combo.

Circuit Diagram

Now at this point , you'll notice a major bummer here. The motor shield isn't prototype friendly or atleast the version i'm using.

To connect the bluetooth module and headlights we'll need to solder on some female berg strips.

NO we're not finished.

What about the tx/pins on the shield ?


After that's done just screw on the motor wires and connect the servo headers as shown in the Circuit diagram.



The link to the app- Bluetooth Controller App

You're free to choose you'r own app but i like this one for it's simplicity and clean design.

Before testing out the app there's a final step. THE CODE

Copy and paste the code to your IDE and upload. (unplug the bluetooth module's vcc pin from the shield before uploading)

Don't be surprised if your steering's jarry or if the truck goes left when you wanted to go right. It's just the mapping and servo angles that you need to change to get the perfect setup for your truck.

Feel free to share your problems in the comments below.

This was a very fun project and i want you folks to diy your own controllers for all kinds of trucks and cars.

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WPL - C24 ft.Arduino Build